Meet Ive's recommended New Year's song on Melon!

2025-01-06 21:41:02

Kakao Entertainment's music platform Melon announced on the 6th that it will release a New Year's song personally selected by popular girl group Ive.

Through Melon's 'What do winter artists listen to' corner, Ive members communicate with fans by recommending various songs that reflect their tastes.

In particular, the Ive members recommend songs of various genres, including their representative songs 'I AM' and 'Hae', as well as 'Happy New Year' by Jang Ki-ha and the Faces, 'Happy' by Day6, and 'All Now with You' by Jatsby.

So it attracted attention.

We plan to provide a special experience to welcome the new year through Ive's recommended songs.


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