“You messed up your college entrance exam, so get hit by a car and die.” Son weighed down by his mother’s verbal abuse reveals his scars in Oh Eun-young’s report

2025-01-07 20:11:03

In 'Oh Eun-young Report', which aired on the 6th, the story of a son who had been verbally abused by his mother since childhood, such as "Shouldn't you have been born?" and "Dirty blood," was introduced.

Dr. Oh Eun-young looked at her son's condition and diagnosed him as having "the most severe depression index among the people I have met so far on 'Oh Eun-young Report.'"

On the other hand, the mother did not remember her verbal abuse and appeared unable to empathize with her son's pain.

Dr. Oh analyzed that the mother does not understand her son's feelings because she values ​​her own legitimacy.


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