Kim Jun-ho, 110,000 won yacht ‘Flex’…

2025-01-10 11:41:04

Who is the main character?

In the Channel S entertainment program "Nidonnae Mountain Dog Park Tour 3", Kim Jun-ho is attracting attention by renting a luxury yacht worth 110,000 won per person in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.

Kim Jun-ho said, “I plan to go out to sea today,” and revealed that he had reserved a yacht worth 110,000 won per person.

The members admired the luxurious yacht's exterior and enjoyed the ocean swimming pool and various activity facilities.

You can find out who will be the owner of the 110,000 won yacht in the 20th episode of "Nidonnaesan Dog Park Tour 3", which will be broadcast on Channel S at 8:20 pm on January 11th.


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