Joo Hyun-young directly explains rumors of leaving SNL, "Focus on acting as an actor, not parodying Kim Kun-hee"

2025-01-10 13:41:04

Actress Joo Hyun-young directly explained the rumors about the reason for her departure from SNL Korea.

In a video uploaded to the YouTube channel 'Sachinkin' on the 9th, Joo Hyun-young said, "I think many people misunderstand the reason for leaving SNL Korea," and "I want to explain it myself."

Joo Hyun-young said, "In the past, when I left SNL Korea, I expressed my position that I wanted to focus on my main job as an actor. Nothing was guaranteed and it was a regrettable choice, but I wanted to challenge myself on a new path."


However, some rumors spread that Joo Hyun-young had left SNL Korea for parodying First Lady Kim Kun-hee, causing controversy.


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