Satire visits the funeral of the late Lee Hee-cheol and mourns, saying, “Let’s meet again.”

2025-01-11 23:41:03

Close friends are visiting the funeral of broadcaster Lee Hee-cheol, who passed away suddenly on the 7th, to mourn the deceased.

In particular, Satire, a broadcaster who had a special relationship with Lee Hee-chul, left a sad message on his SNS on the 11th, showing his visit to Lee Hee-chul's funeral and saying, "Let's meet again."

In the photo, the satire is in front of Lee Hee-cheol's portrait, smiling brightly and paying tribute to the deceased.

The entertainment industry as well as many fans were saddened by the sudden death of Lee Hee-chul, who worked as a photographer, YouTuber, and broadcaster and was greatly loved by the public.


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