Ive holds a Melon Spotlight fan meetup to celebrate his comeback

2025-01-13 22:41:03

To celebrate its comeback, girl group Ive will have a special meeting with fans through Melon Spotlight.

Kakao Entertainment's music platform Melon announced that it will hold a 'Fan Meetup Invitation Event' to commemorate the release of Ive's new album 'IVE EMPATHY' from the 13th to the 22nd.

You can participate in this event by liking Ive's song and leaving a story in the 'Intimacy with me' menu on the Melon artist page, and the winner will be announced on the 23rd.

Ive will release his third mini album 'Ive Empathy' on February 3rd, and the pre-released title song 'Revel Heart' on the 13th.


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