‘Cinema Heaven Immersive Special Exhibition – To.Toto’ opens for those who love film and art

2025-01-15 17:41:03

This exhibition, held on the second basement floor of Seoul Forest Galleria Foret in Seongdong-gu, Seoul, has an Interpark review rating of 9.9 and is loved by visitors as an exhibition that provides a unique and immersive experience.

Additionally, a specially designed collection package that allows visitors to retain the emotion of the film even after the exhibition is receiving great attention.

This package is a special promotion designed to reflect the needs revealed in exhibition viewing reviews, and includes an exhibition ticket and a coupon that allows you to own the movie 'Cinema Heaven' for life at WATCHA.

The exhibition side is deeply grateful for the positive response from visitors and is doing its best to provide a more satisfying experience through various events and special promotions that reflect the needs of visitors. 'Cinema Heaven Immersive Special Exhibition - Toto.'

He said he expects to provide unforgettable memories to everyone who loves art.


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