[SBS Running Man] Jeon So-min, a golden return a year after saying goodbye to 'Running Man' → NEW Meets youngest member Ji Ye-eun

2025-01-17 23:41:05

The recent recording was decorated with the unusual name 'Team Kill, I'm sorry,' and was divided into two teams under the direction of MC Yoo Jae-seok.

The core of the race was the penalty vote, which selected ‘member of the team to whom a penalty balloon would be added’.

In this race, which requires trust between team members and team kills at the same time, attention is focused on what strategies the members, known as the 'Textbook of Betrayal', will use.

The 'Team Kill' race, which will be full of legal betrayals and team kill operations, can be seen on 'Running Man', which airs at 6:10 pm on Sunday the 19th.


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