Lee Jung-hyun, a heartbreaking breakup ahead of her second child's birth on 'Pyeon Restaurant'...
2025-01-18 13:41:03
Special recipe revealed for husband
In the process of packing, Seo-ah burst into tears as she was having a hard time letting her mother leave, and Lee Jung-hyun was also captured hugging her daughter with tears in her eyes.
In particular, Lee Jung-hyun showed affection for Seo-ah by handing her a doll she made herself and saying, "I want her to sleep with me when my mom is away."
Viewers who watched the broadcast on this day showed various reactions, such as "Lee Jeong-hyun seems like a very warm mother," "Seo-ah is so cute," and "The cooking recipe for my husband is also touching."
In this way, through 'Pyeon Restaurant', Lee Jung-hyun deeply moved viewers by showing her warm family love and honest appearance ahead of her second birth.