Garam Hwang confesses to the extreme hardships of life through 'Immortal Song'... "I survived my life as a homeless person by picking up trash and eating."

2025-01-18 22:41:03

Singer Hwang Garam revealed his difficult past through KBS2's 'Immortal Songs', arousing sympathy from viewers.

However, he did not lose his dream while watching other singers' performances, and eventually he shook off his obscurity with 'I Am Firefly' and stood on the stage of 'Immortal Song'.

Garam Hwang said, “I am so thankful and amazed to be able to stand on the stage of ‘Immortal Songs,’ which I thought was only a dream,” and expressed his aspirations, saying, “I want to win the championship with a sincere performance.”

Hwang Garam's honest confession touched many viewers.


→ MoaPic!