Jeon Hyun-moo, Hong Joo-yeon's Christmas event?

2025-01-19 22:11:04

Capturing pink air currents in ‘Sandangwi’

After hearing that Hong Joo-yeon would be working at the office on Christmas Eve, Jeon Hyun-moo delivered a handwritten postcard along with a Christmas cake through announcer Umji-in.

The postcard contained a warm message, “Working overtime on Christmas Eve, I hope this creates a good mood.”

Kim Sook was surprised and said, “Jeon Hyun-moo’s style has changed drastically,” and other cast members also expressed their curiosity about the relationship between the two.

The pink air of Jeon Hyun-moo and Hong Joo-yeon revealed through the broadcast that day attracted a lot of attention from viewers.


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