Go Hyun-jung, bare face revealed...

2025-01-21 12:11:04

Fans are amazed by her innocent beauty

Actress Go Hyun-jung communicated with fans by revealing her bare face through her SNS on the 19th.

In particular, in the close-up face photo, the transparent skin without any blemishes and deep eyes stood out, drawing admiration from the viewers.

In response, junior actor Ha Jung-woo made people laugh by making a witty comment, "That's the first one," and fans responded enthusiastically with comments such as "They're all beautiful," and "You don't have to choose anything, they're all lovely."


Meanwhile, Go Hyun-jung is continuing to be active by playing the lead role in Genie TV and Genie TV mobile drama 'Namib', which was released on December 23rd last year.


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