"Pororo The Great Undersea Adventure"... Costume stage greeting & large balloon event confirmed!

2025-01-23 14:41:03

“Pororo The Great Undersea Adventure”, which is continuing its long-term box office success thanks to strong word of mouth, has suddenly unveiled a special event for the Lunar New Year holiday.

To celebrate the Lunar New Year holiday, starting from Saturday the 25th, 'New Year's Wish Stationery' will be given to audiences who have watched "Pororo's Great Undersea Adventure" on a first-come, first-served basis.

In line with the concept of a spectacular ocean adventure, the phrase 'Happy New Year with Pororo' is inserted in the background of a rich concept art exuding a refreshing feel, adding to the specialness.

The spectacular ocean adventure “Pororo Under the Sea Adventure”, which will meet audiences through a variety of events during the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday, is currently being screened to rave reviews in theaters across the country.


→ MoaPic!