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2025-01-23 16:11:11

[Holmes] Ha Seok-jin “I wasn’t popular with female students when I was at Baemyung High School in Songpa-gu.

“Ah, I was just studying.”

On this day, the broadcast will reveal the ranking of apartment sales volume in Seoul in 2024 from 1st to 25th.

Among them, various apartments are rented in Songpa-gu, which ranks first in apartment sales volume in Seoul.

It is said that the place the three headed to was the Gangdong-gu apartment, which ranked 15th in apartment sales volume in Seoul.

Afterwards, the three people head to the apartment in Garak-dong, Songpa-gu, which ranked first in apartment sales volume in 2024.

Ha Seok-jin, who spent his school days at nearby Baemyung High School, says there is a really good restaurant nearby and guides Kim Sook and Kim Dae-ho to a gamjatang restaurant that has been in business for 33 years.

After completing the Garakro Matpla check, the three people begin leasing 9,510 apartments.


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