<TV Show Genuine Luxury> ‘KBS 50th New Announcers’, armed with MZ spirit, launches into Genuine Luxury!

2025-01-24 18:41:06

Bamboo is the subject matter that Lee Ungno has painted with throughout his life.

Goam Lee Eung-no's ink bamboo painting, with its straight stems and powerful, lush bamboo leaves, can be seen in detail in this week's broadcast.

The estimated appraised value of the royal disc, which clearly shows the dignity of the royal court, can also be confirmed on the broadcast.

The appraiser gave a high evaluation to the new decoration, but what was the estimated appraised value of the commissioned piece?

Hosted by announcer Kang Seung-hwa, is a KBS 1TV cultural program that started in 1995 and discovers genuine and luxury goods and confirms the true value of Korean antiques through the keen eyes of professional appraisers.


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