[Oh Eun -young Report -Marriage Hell] A family who is suffering for the third generation with a wound like a chain!

2025-02-03 19:11:09

Following the rich conflict, a hat conflict occurs!

Last week, my son's conflict was revealed because of his son and family discord because of his father's notice.

Following the first daily video released last week, the second daily video depicts the grandmother and grandchildren's conversation after the father left.

In addition, even though the driving was immature after the heart transplantation, I had already bought a foreign car, and when my dad took the car for safety reasons, my son was mainly used as a first -hand protection and war.

He is demanding to buy a high -end foreign car.

On the other hand, grandmothers confront their dad to give their grandchildren a car, and they want to do everything their grandmother wants.


→ MoaPic!