Lee Seung -hwan, 'CIA Report' rumors "I am not refused to enter the country ... Nephew wedding attendance"

2025-02-17 00:11:04

In some online communities, there have been many posts, focusing on President Yoon Seok -yeol's supporters, saying, "Let's report the impeachment celebrities to the CIA."

Lee Seung -hwan was accused of supporters after performing at the vice presidential rally in December last year, and is known to be the subject of 'CIA report'.

Recently, when the Jaurim band's New York performance was canceled, it was posted that "I can't go to the United States by CIA report," but the agency of the Jaurim dismissed it as "facts."

On the other hand, Lee Seung -hwan called for a constitutional court judgment on the 6th, saying that the Gumi -si, Gyeongbuk, called for a vow to ban political incitement regarding the venue of the venue.


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