<TV show genuine luxury> 'TV show genuine luxury' 30th anniversary, new change!

2025-02-19 19:11:06

Join Hong Joo -yeon Announcer with a new MC

Along with the existing host Kang Seung -hwa announcer, KBS Hong Ju -yeon announcer will join the new MC, and the composition of the program will be enriched.

As Hong Joo -yeon announcer joins the reorganization, the '2MC system' will begin in earnest and will provide more fun.

In addition, the TV show genuine luxury goods are also preparing to reorganize various corners for the 30th anniversary.

Lee Eun -mi CP said, "The TV show genuine luxury goods that have been loved by viewers for a long time will be visited with the development of the 30th anniversary."

I will be reborn as an emotion show. ”


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