MBC, March 1 (Saturday) 80th Anniversary Special Project <Memory and Rock> Season 2 first aired!

2025-02-28 20:41:04

Independence activist Jo So -Ang Teacher, who stated the world's first democratic republic in the Constitution

Bong Tae -gyu's first person is the main role of the establishment of the provisional government of the Republic of Korea, and the country where all citizens become the owners, the pioneering thinker and the foundation of the nation, who dreamed of becoming an equal country, and the desire of the independence activist 'Jo Soang' and the trajectory of life in a calm voice.

국민의 이름으로 나라를 세운 그날, 조소앙은 세계 최초로 '민주공화제'를 헌법에 명시하며 3.1운동의 뜨거운 열망을 실현하기에 나선다.

Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Korea, which has never changed even in the last 80 years of revision of the constitution in the past 80 years, is a democratic republic.

'Bong Tae -gyu reflects on the moment and meaning of the birth of Article 1 of the Constitution, saying, "As a member of the society, it is a lie -like sentence that gives power and courage when I feel weak."

The 80th Anniversary Special Plan, Memory and Rock 2, which has been a 12 -hour urgency of the birth of the Republic of Korea and the hidden activity of Jo So -eun, will be broadcast at 9:30 am on Saturday, March 1 (Saturday).


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