[SBS Act 2, Act 2] MC Lee Hyun, I shocked to hear the story of a high -risk arthritis.
2025-03-07 18:41:05

Degenerative arthritis pain is enough to die ... What is the secret of overcoming?
He even performed uterine surgery due to degenerative arthritis.
Degenerative arthritis is a disease in which the cartilage is worn out between the knees, and the bones and bones are in contact with the bones.
Even degenerative arthritis, the pain alone, is extremely extreme, and patients often complain that "I want to die" and "I want to fall asleep and not happen."
Kwon Eun -kyung, who had had a hard time enough to have uterine surgery due to degenerative arthritis, was also found to have suffered from a disease due to this shortage, and the studio was shocked for a moment.