Kim Joon -ho ♥ Kim Ji -min, preparing for wedding shooting before the marriage in July…

2025-03-17 22:11:04

'Daldal Chemie' is selected by choosing tuxedi.

Comedian Kim Joon -ho and Kim Ji -min's preliminary couple, who are about to get married in July, are preparing to shoot wedding.

지난 13일 유튜브 채널 '준호 지민'에는 김준호와 김지민이 웨딩 촬영 준비를 위해 웨딩숍을 방문한 모습이 공개되었다.

On this day, Kim Joon -ho and Kim Ji -min visited the wedding shop to choose the cities and hanbok to wear their mouths during the wedding shooting.

When Kim Joon -ho wore various tuxedos, Kim Ji -min admired that he was cute.


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