Poppin Hyun Joon, Nam Sang-il and wife Park A-ri's reaction after seeing the affectionate appearance... What's the difference between these ages?
2020-06-04 18:11:14
In'Salimnam', which was aired on Saturday afternoon, Poppin Hyun Joon visited Park Aeri's concert hall to deliver the things that Park Aeri requested.
Poppin Hyun Joon, who handed her things to Ari in search of the waiting room, began to be concerned about the friendly appearance of Park Aeri and Nam Sang Il.
Poppin Hyun Joon, who watched the performances of the two “Lovers” without returning home, became more complicated when he saw the couple acting in the performance.
After the performance, Park Ae-ri invited Nam Sang-il to the house, and Poppin Hyun Joon was unwilling to agree.
Poppin Hyunjun's mother prepared food for Nam Sang-il, and Poppin Hyun-jun grumbled, “Is your son-in-law?”, but Nam Sang-il, who arrived with Park Aeri, smiled after seeing the food prepared for him.
As she ate, her mother and Park Ae-ri only took Nam Sang-il, and they struggled with excitement, exchanging pansori for 20 years.
In the meantime, when Nam Sang-il, who was breathing in the yard with Ari, who played a parasitic lover in "Babyjangjeon", said, "There is something like a bed scene," Hyun-Joon asked, "Have you taken a bed scene too?"
Hyunjun, who was worried about Nam Sang-il throughout the meal, said that he couldn't eat redfish. He asked, "Can't you eat redfish?" and said, "I eat too."
Even though she says she understands it, the appearance of poppin Hyun Joon, who is jealous and is restless all day, brought a smile.
Meanwhile, Nam Sang-il, who appeared in'Salim Nam', was born in 1979, currently 42 years old, Poppin Hyun-Jun was born in 1979, and is currently 42 years old. Poppin Hyun-Jun (wife), Park A-Ri, born in 1977, is currently 44 years old.
There is a difference between my husband and the age of two.
The couple got married in 2010 and have a daughter.