[SBS Moment Capture!

2023-12-12 03:11:05

[Oh my god, this is happening] Appearance of the greatest collector in 25 years of history!

‘This Happens in the World’ (hereinafter ‘Capturing the Moment’) introduces the stories of six-year-old pansori singer Simdong Choi Yi-jeong and Han Gwang-il, who has 500,000 natural history collections.

He is the master singer Jo Tongdal, a living cultural asset with over 70 years of pansori experience. What did he think of Lee Jeong-yang’s sound?

He said that for the past 33 years, he has personally traveled overseas to obtain precious natural history collections that are impossible to obtain even if he tried. He said that he went to great lengths to obtain just one collection, even threatening his life.

When he happened to visit a shellfish museum abroad, he fell in love with shellfish and began collecting shellfish. He later expanded his scope and amassed a collection of 500,000 items.


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