‘Play, Flea’ actress Yang So-min completes the appearance of a true adult who conveys comfort and support to youth...

2023-12-13 01:11:03

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In the play, Yang So-min played the role of the owner of 'Black Cat', where Song Han-joo works part-time.

The president is a person who sees through people's hearts and offers advice and comfort according to the situation, and he appears to be an irreplaceable senior in life to Song Han-joo, who is experiencing growing pains in a fierce life.

Song Han-joo, who was troubled by the confession he received from Do-guk, quietly spoke to Shin-hee (Kim Ye-sol) under the pretext of talking about another friend, and the president, who accidentally overheard their conversation, said, "The most important issue in human relationships is your heart and my heart. Is it like this?

In the end, the owner decided to close the store until things calmed down. He apologized and said to Hanju, who was scared of his situation, "Hanju, life is difficult to overcome on your own.


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