Lee Sung-kyung

2023-12-13 07:11:03

The appearance of Lee Sung-kyung going about her daily life and the unique appearance of Lee Chan-hyuk facing a security guard in a car created a mysterious atmosphere.

Lee Sung-kyung and Lee Chan-hyuk have shown extraordinary chemistry by appearing together in AKMU's 'RE-BYE' music video in 2016 and in AKMU's ongoing KBS show 'The Seasons - AKMU's One Day, Five Night' in September.

Lee Sung-kyung has been recognized for her outstanding singing ability through her numerous OST and music program activities, and Lee Chan-hyuk is an artist who has built a unique music world through her solo albums and collaborations with various musicians.

Attention is being paid to the synergy created by the combination of Lee Sung-kyung's sweet voice and Lee Chan-hyuk's sensuous music.


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