Han Ga-in's short hair transformation revealed...

2023-12-13 08:41:03

'Is it a video?'


On the 12th, Han Ga-in posted a video on her Instagram with the message, "I thought it was a photo."

Previously, Han Ga-in attracted attention by revealing her recent transformation into short hair for the first time in 15 years.

Han Ga-in debuted in an Asiana Airlines commercial in 2002 and was loved after appearing in dramas such as 'God of the Sea', 'My Girl', 'The Heirs', and 'Mr. Sunshine'.

Recently, he has continued to be active by appearing as an MC in entertainment programs such as 'Circle House', 'Sing For Gold', 'Day Without Hands', and 'The Private Lives of the Gods - Greek and Roman Mythology 2'.


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