[SBS Love FM] ‘Your Night’ Solbi leaves a voice message to actor Song Kang…

2023-12-13 12:41:05

“I approach alone and break up alone” Laughter

Solbi appeared as a regular guest on SBS Love FM (103.5 MHz) ‘Your Night, I’m Jung Yeop’, which aired at 8:05 pm on the 12th.

In response to DJ Jeong Yeop's question, "The production team said that actor Song Kang is your ideal type," Solbi confessed, "Actually, I go to the same tanning salon as Song Kang."

Solbi also said, “I’m enjoying Song Kang’s drama.

Meanwhile, 'Your Night, It's Jung Yeop', in which singer Solbi is appearing as a regular guest, is broadcast every evening from 8:05 to 10:00 PM on SBS Love FM 103.5MHz, and can also be listened to through the SBS Gorilla app.



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