Park Seong-gwang's wife Lee Sol-i's leisurely bikini vacation in Phuket, "Thanks to my husband, 3 pieces weren't enough."

2024-07-21 22:11:04

Comedian Park Seong-gwang's wife Lee Sol-i posted photos of her Phuket vacation on her Instagram on the 21st with the caption, "If I had known that her husband would take pictures of her this well, I would have brought 3 bikinis." and is attracting attention.

In her photo, Sol is showing off her relaxed vacation vibe by striking various poses in a bikini that reveals her solid body line at her Phuket accommodation.

In another photo, Lee Sol-yi is seen fanning her fan in a bikini, lying on a bed under warm weather of 28 degrees.

Through her Phuket vacation photos, Lee Sol-yi is receiving a lot of attention by sharing her own relaxed vacation atmosphere with her fans along with her husband Park Seong-gwang's outstanding photography skills.


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