god (G.O.D.) continued to participate as a whole in sponsoring treatment costs for rare pediatric diseases this year, just like last year. The very fact that we can be of some help to children is precious and grateful.

2024-09-20 15:41:03

Living Legend Group god continues to spread its positive influence this year by participating in the 'Manna Bazaar', an event to support treatment costs for rare pediatric diseases.

In addition, Son Ho-young, who has been participating for the third year this year, said, "It is an honor to be a part of the Manna Bazaar that started in 2020 again this year.

“We ask for your interest and participation so that we can bring a little helping hand and happiness to many children.” Taewoo Kim also said, “This is my third time participating, and I am grateful to be able to participate in such a meaningful event, and I am happy to participate. I'm doing it.

Starting with Son Ho-young and Kim Tae-woo, the members who have been associated with the 'Manna Bazaar' as a complete group of god since last year have not only shown continuous interest in children despite their busy activities, but have also shown a deep interest in the children's overall treatment process and rehabilitation activities. It is said that he has shown a steady interest in children.


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