Controversy over Ziyang's ex-boyfriend's distorted will spreads...

2024-07-26 08:41:03

The truth battle heats up

Controversy is spreading as claims are raised that the will of Mr. Lee, the ex-boyfriend and CEO of YouTuber Tzuyang's agency, is being distributed in a distorted manner.

On the 24th, JTBC reported the contents of Mr. Lee's will and stated that it contained information that he did not spread information about Tsuyang's past.

However, after the report, claims were raised that some YouTubers were misleading public opinion by distributing an edited suicide note that only excerpted the part that said, "I did not spread Ziyang's past."

Meanwhile, lawyer Choi, who was Mr. Lee's legal representative, was pointed out as the person who reported Tzuyang's past to YouTuber Foot-and-Mouth.


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