EXO Chanyeol finally comes back as a solo artist... Solo debut next month

2024-07-28 23:11:05

Following his solo debut, Chanyeol will hold the '2024 CHANYEOL LIVE TOUR: 都市風景 (City-scape)' (2924 CHANYEOL LIVE TOUR: 都市風景 (City-scape)) starting on September 6-7 at the Blue Square Mastercard Hall in Yongsan-gu, Seoul. We are planning to have a busy summer.

The poster image for this live tour, which was released through EXO's official fan club community and SNS account on the afternoon of the 26th, drew attention by featuring Chanyeol's warm visuals against the backdrop of a night view in the city, inspired by the tour title, 'Cityscape'.

Ticket reservations for this live tour Seoul performance will be held through Interpark Ticket, with pre-sale prices for EXO official fan club EXO-L membership members at 8 PM on August 7th, and general sales at 8 PM on the 8th. is in progress.

Meanwhile, information about additional performance areas for Chanyeol's live tour will be released later.


→ MoaPic!