Park Seo-jin reveals an episode of the stage in front of the 12-step Jakdu on 'Radio Star'...

2024-09-19 00:41:03

From shamanic events to plastic surgery costing 100 million won

In particular, Park Seo-jin, who transformed from 'Stocking Trot Prodigy' to 'MZ Trotman', will stand out for his honest and pleasant remarks.

He has continued to hold events even during the COVID-19 period, and in particular, at an event hosted by the Shaman Association, he revealed an episode where he performed with all his might in front of the 12-step Jakdu, making the studio burst into laughter.

Having gone through difficult times, including his parents' remarriage, the death of his older brothers, and his mother's illness, he gained sympathy from viewers by confessing his experience of being hurt by malicious comments directed at his family.

Park Seo-jin's janggu skills will also be revealed in the broadcast.


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