[SBS Power FM] Artist Solbi “Practice singing style in your 20s at a vocal academy…”

2024-07-29 13:41:05

“The clown sings”

With the release of her new song 'Monday Disco', Solbi returned as a singer within the artist Kwon Ji.

When special DJ Hanhae asked, “Your older sister is a painter and an entertainer, aren’t you living a life that has nothing to do with Monday illness?”, she smiled and said, “I answered honestly and well.”

Solbi said that singer Jeong Yeop created this song, and she said, "Senior Jeong Yeop actually experienced Monday Sickness while he was a (radio) DJ and wrote a song about Monday Sickness."

Solbi recently participated in the exhibition 'BBUCK On & Off' in which 30 global art keepers participated, and she said that she has a full exhibition schedule in the future.


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