Daesang Welllife launches ‘Arpoten Force’ campaign with Hwang Hee-chan

2024-07-31 14:41:05

Daesang Welllife releases the arginine energy drink 'Arpoten Force' and the 'Cchan and Arpoten Force' campaign video featuring Premier Leaguer Hwang Hee-chan.

Daesang Welllife explained that Hwang Hee-chan's outstanding abilities such as overflowing passion, energy, and speed match the image of 'Arpoten Force'.

It consists of two types, low-sugar and low-calorie 'Arfoten Force' and 0% fat 'Arfoten Force Citrus', and can be enjoyed without burden according to taste in ionic beverage flavor and lemon flavor, respectively.

An official from Daesang Welllife said, "We expect that this campaign will be able to pleasantly promote the vitality of Hwang Hee-chan and 'Arpoten Force', which are at full energy level," and added, "Along with the powerful energy charge provided by Arpoten Force, Hwang Hee-chan's energy will be boosted in the early morning hours." “I hope you don’t miss the opportunity to support the Premier League games and get to know them in real life,” he said.


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