I'm Solo, Ok-sun's recklessness vs. Jeong-hee's charisma...

2024-09-24 16:11:03

The mixed fate of single men and women

In this trailer, the polar opposites of Ok-sun and Jeong-hee, who were selected as 'first choice', unfold and attract attention.

On her date with Kyung-soo, Ok-soon continues her sharp conversation by revealing her discomfort, and she shows her anger by directly expressing her dissatisfaction with Yeong-ho.

On her date with Kyung-soo, Ok-sun senses her discomfort with Kyung-soo's comment, "Because it's comfortable," and she reveals her disappointment to Young-ho by pointing out her lack of conversation.

Her viewers are curious about Ok-sun's inner feelings and her relationships with the two men due to her series of complaints.


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