'Alley restaurant in Baek Jong-won' Hongje-dong red bean kalguksu collection, Baek Jong-won anger explosion This is a sin ...

2020-02-05 22:31:13

The last story of Hongje-dong 'Culture Village Alley' will be revealed at SBS 'Baekjongwon's Alley Restaurant' which is broadcasted today (5th).

The son's boss, who was offered a new menu called 'pork spine rib rib soup', which applied Southeast Asian style rib ribs `` Bakute '' in Korea last week, worked hard to practice new menus based on Baek's advice.

However, the boss said, "I'm embarrassed to put it out."

Baek Jong-won, who tried her own food, was greatly surprised. The taste of her son's 'pig spine rib ribs' can be confirmed on the broadcast.

In addition, retro duo singer Yuk Joong Wan's band visited 'Mamjatang House' as a pre-tour team.

Yuk Joong-wan, who is commonly known as 'Haejangguk mania', admired, saying, "Do you have this taste in our country?"

On the other hand, the couple's owner of the 'Retro Chicken House', who had received the `` Baby Chicken Chicken '' menu, was immersed in the bulk cooking practice for the rib sauce for a week, but he was troubled by the taste.

Monster rapper 'Woo Won-jae appeared as a pre-tour.

The two people ordered the new menu 'galbi chicken' and said, "I shouldn't lie."

The red bean kalguksu restaurant, which had a nerve war with Baek Jong-won over the existing cooking style, does not endure to the end.

The horse was reversed.

Eventually, Baek Jong-won added to his boss and his wife, "98% chance of returning to the original location after shooting." But his wife, "Would you like to pay?"

In addition, his wife said that the cost has changed by changing the 'red bean' from Chinese red beans to domestic red beans.

At the end of his wife's boss, Baek Jong-won was unbearable and finally said, "This is ruin. It is a sin."

The story of 'Hongje-dong Culture Village' alley until the last day can be found in 'Baekjongwon's Alley Restaurant' which is broadcast at 11:10 tonight.