[SBS Power FM] Singer HYNN “Take out rib soup in the recording studio…”

2024-07-22 17:11:03

“I tend to record for a long time” Behind-the-scenes reveal

Hyun, who released her new song 'I'll Support You Today Too', joined rapper Kisum and singer Son Heon-soo in the 'Curl Center of Love' corner.

White said, “I tend to record for a long time,” and confessed his difficulties, saying, “There are a lot of things that need to be fixed, and if there is a part that I am not satisfied with, it is very difficult to move on.”

She also revealed, "I get hungry after 6 or 7 hours, but when I go out and come back after eating, the flow of the recording is interrupted, so I take out rib soup in a thermos and (eat) it in between."

Hyun, who is about to hold a three-day solo concert 'Summer' from July 26th to 28th, said, "I sincerely hope that ('I'll Support You Today') will become a cheering song for the nation," and added, "Please show a lot of love for this month's concert as well." conveyed


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