Lee Hyo-ri gives advice in her congratulatory speech at Kookmin University’s graduation ceremony, “Life is a piece of cake, do whatever you want.”

2024-02-15 03:11:04

At the 2023 academic year graduation ceremony held at the Kookmin University Concert Hall this morning, Hyori Lee cheered on her graduates by advising them, "Don't be swayed by the nonsense that pretends to be for the sake of this or that and tries to take advantage of you."

Lee Hyo-ri emphasized that she should not blindly trust the words of her loved ones and should live her life as she wants. She said, "It is you who care for you more than anyone else and guide you to the right path."

After finishing her congratulatory speech, Hyori Lee took off her graduation cap and sang her hit song 'Chi Ti Chi Ti Bang Bang' to convey her congratulatory message to the graduates.

Lee Hyo-ri's 'Dokgo Die' comment made a great impression on the graduates, and her honest and bold advice resonated with many people.


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