Park Gyu-young catches attention with unconventional fashion...

2024-02-24 10:41:03

A hot topic ahead of appearance in ‘Squid Game 2’

After debuting in the 2020 drama 'When I Fell in Love with Iljin', Park Gyu-young established himself as a rising actor by appearing in a series of popular works such as 'River Where the Moon Rises' and 'Seaside Village Cha Cha Cha'.

Park Gyu-young will appear in the Netflix drama 'Squid Game 2', which is scheduled to be released this year.

Park Kyu-young's unconventional fashion photos are further raising expectations for 'Squid Game 2'.

Attention is being paid to what new appearance Park Gyu-young will show in 'Squid Game 2'.


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