Jealousy breaks out at Lim Young-woong's fan Lee Hye-won...

2024-03-23 10:11:04

‘Family that crossed the line’ Ahn Jung-hwan “Think of me like that!”

In particular, Hoo Gang-won is a big fan of Lim Young-woong, and is attracting attention by being seen busking by rewriting his song into German.

Accordingly, Lee Hye-won also confesses that she is also a fan of Lim Young-woong, and she holds a Tiki Taka talk with Ahn Jung-hwan.

Lee Hye-won then said, "I love Lim Young-woong's song so much that I cry when I hear it," and she showed off her charm by saying to Ahn Jung-hwan, "Think of me like that!"

Channel A's 'Family Beyond the Line', featuring the 'Lim Young-woong Medley' busking scene that embellished Salzburg, as well as the cute Tiki Taka talk of couple Ahn Jung-hwan and Lee Hye-won, will be broadcast at 9:40 pm on the 22nd.


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