Jung Eun-chae and Kim Chung-jae's past affair rumors come to light amid the admission of a romantic relationship...

2024-03-23 15:41:03

“The part that ended with a personal matter”

While the romantic relationship between actress Jung Eun-chae and Kian84 junior and industrial designer Kim Chung-jae has been officially acknowledged, rumors of Jung Eun-chae's past affair are once again becoming a hot topic.

However, rumors of Jung Eun-chae's affair with singer Jeong Jun-il in 2020 and dating Japanese actor Kaseryō in 2013 are coming into the spotlight again.

She also added that she is "concerned about her private life being made public and hopes that the past incident will not have a negative impact on her ongoing romantic relationship."

Meanwhile, it is reported that Jung Eun-chae and Kim Chung-jae are currently maintaining a stable relationship and supporting each other.


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