Song Seung-hwan, who overcame visual impairment, reveals his current status: “If I can’t see well, I just listen hard.”

2024-03-26 09:41:03

He explained the purpose of ‘Song Seung-hwan’s Invitation’ as “a program where we invite and talk to people we want to meet because it would be a waste to know them alone.”

On this day's broadcast, actors Kim Young-ok and Lee Soon-jae sent video messages to support Song Seung-hwan.

Song Seung-hwan emphasized the positive aspects of his visual impairment rather than his difficulties.

Song Seung-hwan referred to Chae Shi-ra, Choi Jin-sil (the late), and Kim Hee-ae as the 'Three Troika Era' and asked, "Actually, I heard that Chae Shi-ra was cast first for 'Jealousy'. Is that true?"

Much attention is focused on the future performance of Song Seung-hwan, who continues to challenge himself despite the difficulty of being visually impaired.


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