Hwang Jung-eum confirmed to appear as host of 'SNL Korea' Season 5... Showcasing everything from realistic and humorous acting to deep emotional acting

2024-03-26 11:41:03

Hwang Jung-eum is an actor who boasts a diverse spectrum of acting, ranging from sitcoms to regular dramas, and from comedic and villainous characters.

She received a lot of love from viewers by perfectly portraying realistic, clueless acting, deep emotional acting, and creepy villain roles.

Hwang Jung-eum said, "She has played so many characters in her acting career, but this is the first time she has been as excited and anticipated as 'SNL Korea'.

Hwang Jung-eum's agency said, "After much thought, Hwang Jung-eum decided that it would be difficult to maintain her marriage, so she is in the process of filing for divorce." .


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