[SBS I want to know] The woman with the lucky pig necklace - Why was she buried on Long Island?

2024-03-29 15:41:04

On January 21, 2013, a woman's body was discovered on the beach in Rattingtown, northern Long Island, New York, USA.

Since 1996, the bodies or body parts of about 20 people have been discovered on the Long Island coast, and Rex Huerman, known as a successful architect in Manhattan, New York, was identified as the culprit.

In particular, in 2010 and 2011, about 10 bodies were discovered at Gilgo Beach, on the southern coast of Long Island, and the police indicted Rex Huerman on charges of murder only for the four victims whose DNA was confirmed.

Rex Huerman, a serial killer who appears to have committed the crime after approaching prostitutes in their 20s through prepaid phones.

The place where he abandoned his body was near the thorn bushes on the coast, an hour's drive from the northern coast where the white skeleton wearing a lucky pig necklace was discovered.


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