'I'm Solo' 20th season, a night of 'romance hyenas'... up to the 'romance hit ball' called 'Stay with me'

2024-05-23 06:11:03

In the broadcast on the 22nd, the contestants who had completed the 'random date' marked by the 'love scene' of '20 Solonara Street' gathered at the dorm and began a full-fledged appeal.

In particular, one single man brought medicine for his 'favorite woman' even though the 'random date' partner was next to him, and as soon as he arrived at the accommodation, he visited the 'favorite woman' and delivered the medicine he had bought on 'random date', showing his proactive spirit. expressed.

Another single woman also went directly to her 'favorite man' after her 'random date' and presented him with her nutritional supplements and a hand-written letter carefully pasted with 'heart stickers'.

One single woman said, "Stay with me," and threw a 'romantic ball' to the 'one-pick guy,' and another single man immediately called the single woman who had just returned from a 'random date' and expressed his feelings, saying, "I wanted to say something." .


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