Ma Dong-seok, wedding with Yeong-hwa...

2024-05-26 12:41:03

Entertainment industry stars such as Ryeowook-Ari and Cheondung-Mimi are also the couples of May.

Ma Dong-seok and Yeong-hwa Ye are scheduled to hold a private wedding somewhere in Seoul on the 26th.

Ryeowook (Kim Ryeowook, 37) from the group Super Junior and Ari (Kim Sunyoung, 29) from the group Tahiti will also be getting married somewhere in Seoul on the 26th.

Ryeowook's agency SM Entertainment said, "The wedding ceremony will be held privately out of consideration for the bride-to-be and her family. We hope you will send a lot of support and congratulations to Ryeowook as he prepares for a new start in life."

Cheondung (Park Sang-hyun, 33) from MBLAQ and Mimi (Jung Mimi, 31) from Gugudan are also getting married on the 26th.


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