‘10 million supporting roles’ Kim Young-woong, the role of Kim Dae-han in ‘The Fool of the End’ in the first half of 2024 → the role of Man Sa-jang in ‘Crime City 4’…

2024-05-26 13:41:03

Impactful first half ‘scene steal’ performance

Kim Young-woong has played various genres and roles such as the dramas 'Yuna's Street', 'Two Cops', 'Partners for Justice', 'Vincenzo', 'Happiness', 'The Empire: Empire of the Law', and the movie 'Hansan: The Rise of the Dragon'. Regardless of the situation, he has portrayed the character tastefully with his own unique colors.

In the first half of this year, we took a look at his performance in the Netflix series 'The Fool of the End' and the movie 'Crime City 4', where he left an impression on his irreplaceable presence by showing impressive acting.

First, in the Netflix series 'The Fool of the End', Kim Young-woong played the role of 'Kim Dae-han', a former military worker and the owner of the only supermarket left in Woongcheon City.

As Kim Young-woong has solidified his acting skills by playing a variety of characters, he plans to continue to capture the attention of viewers by demonstrating his inner skills in each work.


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