Kim Ho-jung, arrested on charges of drunk driving and hit-and-run at 'Poseungjul Detention Center'...

2024-05-26 22:41:04

Are fans still cheering?

Kim Ho-joong refused the request to arbitrarily submit his cell phone, and the agency's representative and head were arrested on charges of removing the vehicle's black box memory card.

In addition, Kim Ho-jung's side appeared to be trying to cover up the hit-and-run accident by removing the black box memory card and pushing ahead with the performance.

Fans hope that Kim Ho-joong receives a reasonable punishment, but "I hope that you will not misunderstand the sincerity of the fans who are cheering with a desperate heart to protect Kim Ho-joong's 'last pride', and I will look forward to the day when Kim Ho-joong blooms again in the future." “He stated his position.

They are criticizing Kim Ho-jung's drunk driving, covering up the hit-and-run accident, and fans' support, and are demanding severe punishment for Kim Ho-jung.


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