[PD Notebook] <The Devil's Loan Law - The Hell of Bankruptcy Drawn by the Chairman> In-depth coverage of the Cheonggu-dong Saemaeul Geumgo loan case

2024-05-27 10:41:03

It is said that an employee of Saemaeul Geumgo was bribed by someone and issued a loan worth a whopping 150 billion won.

So who is the person who bribed employees and caused people to go bankrupt one after another?

Jeon Dong-hyeon (pseudonym), who inflated the amount so that Choi Young-sun (pseudonym) could receive an excessive loan and secretly embezzled the money, is a key close associate of Chairman Kim.

How could Chairman Kim and his group create such unfair loans?

It contained as many as 894 recording files containing the circumstances of the chairman's unfair lending.

Kim Gwang-cheol (pseudonym), called Chairman, is currently claiming that he did not participate in the unfair lending.


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