Red Velvet's Seulgi confesses her feelings to fans after 'suspicion of abuse of power' "You were worried a lot, right?

2024-07-17 18:41:03

It's okay, everything will be fine now."

Red Velvet Seulgi confessed her feelings to her fans after the 'gapjil suspicion' and expressed gratitude for their support.

On the 15th, Seulgi told her fans through the fan communication platform ‘Bubble’, “I was worried a lot.

Seulgi was caught wearing high heels sponsored by Seulgi while visiting the airport for her overseas schedule, and her manager was caught up in 'suspicion of abuse of power' after he was seen walking uncomfortably while wearing her shoes instead. .

"After she arrived in Kaohsiung and had difficulty walking, the manager suggested that she change her shoes only until she left the airport," she explained.


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